Friday, May 29, 2009

9 months and pulling up!

Chelsea has now figured out how to pull herself up to various things. She is very proud of herself. What a beautiful day today. A nice change from some of the hot and humid days we've had lately. We are enjoying a nice day at home today after playdates the last several days. Time to hang some laundry out and get at least one of my munchkins down for a nap!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Funny things Kids Say!

We took a trip to Wal-mart last night. I never know what will come out of Audrey's mouth. Of course she is waving and greeting everyone in the store. We were waiting for Ryan out in the parking lot and doing some people watching. Audrey, who is very into the color pink, saw a lady dressed in pink pants and a flowery shirt. She informed me that she liked her outfit and then after pausing a second said, "I wonder if she has pink undies on?" Luckily, the lady was out of earshot. She never ceases to make me laugh at what goes through her head! We are headed to Ruth Yoder's house this morning for a little playtime fun. It is hot and muggy so we might let the kids splash around in some water.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Minds of Children

I thought this was an interesting lunch table discussion. Casey and Audrey were full of questions about Jesus and how he lives in our hearts. Whose heart does he live in? Grandma's? Mine? Yours? Does he live in everybodys heart? What happens if he doesn't live in your heart? I imagine it's a pretty difficult concept for children to understand as I was telling them that Jesus lives in heaven but he also lives in our hearts. It's just so refeshing to think about the innocence of kids.
It's a hot day today. We spent a couple hours this morning over at Charla's house for something a little different. Now it's nap time and I think that mommy is ready for a nap too!
Chelsea has now figured out how to stand up in her crib. I went in yesterday to check on her to find her standing with her head leaning out over the top rail of her crib. I decided right then that it was time to quit putting off moving her mattress down or else she would be learning how to dive out of her crib!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A New Week

I wonder what challenges are ahead for this week. Last week it was Audrey's finger slammed in the door and the pressure of packing for a weekend with 3 kids hoping that they would all be good. We spent most of the evening last night at Steve and Holly's house. It has been awhile since we have been together with them so we enjoyed our time there. Chelsea is pretty certain that she does NOT like Holly's grandpa Bill. But in his defense she was pretty tired and didn't seem to want much to do with anyone except mom. Looks like it might be a rainy day today. Good day for a nap. It would be awesome if I could get one today since for some reason I was unable to sleep after 2:30! That is so frustrating to me.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day at the Cabin

We had a great weekend at the cabin. The kids did really well...a little sleep deprived from some late nights but overall pretty good. The weather was beautiful so we spent a lot of time just enjoying the outdoors. We went for walks, did some fishing, played at the playground and of course went on lots of 4 wheeler rides. According to Grandma Syl Chelsea has now uttered her first word...haush (the Dutch form of deer). I didn't hear it so it's not going in her baby book just yet! We also had some awesome food this weekend. Among the things we enjoyed were filled cupcakes, Amish peanut butter, homemade waffles, and lots of other very fattening but great tasting food! It's good to be home now after the long weekend. I think the kids will be glad to sleep in their own beds tonight.

Friday, May 22, 2009

New goal...Blog at least 3 times a week. We are getting ready to go to the cabin today with Ryan's family. Part of me is looking forward to it and the other part knows it's a lot of work to take 3 kids out of their normal surroundings. Chelsea is the least adaptable and probably scares me the most. We'll see how it goes. If she's really bad at least we're only an hour and a half from home. Casey and Audrey are all excited to ride 4 wheelers and throw rocks in the creeks. I think they could do that for hours! Ryan went fishing this morning. Sure wish I could have gone too but no where for the kids to go. Hope he comes home with some good fish. It is so peaceful when the kids are all sleeping. I should be sleeping too but with dogs barking and birds singing it just sucks any sleep right out of me. A cup of coffee and some personal time is worth a few minutes out of my sleep!