Thursday, June 18, 2009

Things we are Learning

Chelsea - 1. How to spin all the toilet paper off the roll. 2. Some food tastes good while others may taste something close to dirt. 3. If I scream real loud someone will pick me up. 4. My 1st tooth feels really strange. (It just popped through today!) 5. My dad is not so bad after all.

Audrey - 1. I can kind of whistle. 2. Parties are more fun with "just girls". 3. Sometimes I fight with my brother but I really don't know what I'd do without him.

Casey - 1. Sometimes I just need to take a nap so I don't turn into a "wild man". 2. To recognize and write my letters. I can almost write my name!

Mom - God is teaching mom oh so many things. 1. Take every day a minute at a time. Any more and you will feel overwhelmed. 2. Sometimes your kids are going to tug at your heartstrings and you have to be tough. (Little story here: Casey was very tired last night and was being a little defiant at our Life Group meeting. He threw a stuffed animal at my head that almost knocked a coffee cup over. Then he walked to the door and threw Audrey's shoes in the opposite direction of her as we were leaving. He was reprimanded for the second time in less than 10 minutes. As he got in the van I could just see that the wind had been knocked out of his sails. He felt so bad that he had been disobedient. Then Ryan said something else to him about his behavior. And then the tears began. I wanted to cry with him. I just knew he felt so bad. He had to learn a lesson the hard way. He went to bed feeling so sad and I almost thought I should stand beside his bed until he fell asleep so I could reassure him that I still loved him. But mom has to learn to let go sometimes too. Wow is it hard though. Don't know what I'm going to do when he goes to school and some little boy does something mean him!) 3. Windows are for fingerprints, not Windex.

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