Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cleveland Zoo

After much begging Casey finally got his wish and we headed to the Cleveland Zoo. This poor child has been asking all summer to go and we just didn't make it there. I thought we better get there before it's really too cold to go. It was a little on the chilly side yesterday but the kids didn't seem to mind. Most of the animals were out with the exception of the elephants and hippos and they weren't out because they are redoing their pen. Not sure where they are in the meantime. We waited for it to warm up a bit and didn't get there until a little after noon. Heidi Yokom went with me as I didn't really think that I could handle all 3 of them in a wide open place such as the zoo. I was glad I had her since I spent most of my time chasing Chelsea because she had her own little plan as to where we were going. She was not very fond of sitting in the stroller. They all enjoyed seeing the animals and their tricks. Chelsea would look at the animals and begin to say a whole paragraph...trouble is no one knows what she is saying! I really wish I knew what was going through her head. Toward the end of our visit the kids discovered the many leaves that were all over the Zoo. I think they would have spent the next hour in them if we had let them! Maybe I need to be a kind neighbor today and go rake leaves for someone just so my kids can jump in them. It was a fun day and I'm glad we went. Maybe the next time we can do the Rainforest and the Dinosaur Exhibit.

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