Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Cards

Audrey is trying really hard to be convincing that she is happy but really she is on the verge of tears. She had just finished a crying episode..I think because she couldn't hold the ornament in front of her face.
Casey...Can he get any more excited? Audrey...tonsils are beautiful. Chelsea was actually doing pretty good with picture taking. Once she found out what the candy cane tasted like she didn't move!

A little two second click....Doesn't seem like it should be that difficult. Take a nice picture to send out to family and friends....cheery...everyone smiling....hands at your sides... and we are as that! Yeah right! On two occasions I gathered the kids together to try to paint a picture of our cute happy family. Approximately 50 shots later I still didn't really have a picture I was satisfied with. Children screaming in some, tonsils showing in others, worst day of my life looks just didn't seem appropriate to send out as our Christmas cards. I thought about not sending any of the pictures I took but then I reconsidered thinking that anyone who knows kids knows that life is a lot like a circus so I'm not going to try and pretend that it's not a little crazy at times and VERY difficult to take a good picture of 3 kids. Here are some of my favorite shots that didn't make the Christmas card.

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