Monday, January 11, 2010

Snow Day with the Cousins

I'm so happy for this snow. If it's going to be cold we might as well have some fun stuff to play in. Friday I had promised Casey and Audrey that Taelor and Braidon could come play and maybe go sledding. Instead it was a snow day and Koby and Cierra came as well. What a production that was getting 6 kids dressed to go play in the snow and even more of a production to get all that wet stuff off without a pile of snow all over my floor! But it was worth the hassle. Ryan was home so they were thrilled to have the 4wheeler hooked up for rides. They did some sledding too. I spent most of my time trying to make sure kids didn't get too cold, changing gloves because hands were cold, breaking up fights, and deciding who was going for the next ride. After our fun in the snow we went inside to get warmed up and of course that meant hot chocolate for everyone. We had hot chocolate and watched Jungle book to settle down.

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