Friday, April 16, 2010

Kindergarten Registration

This morning is Casey's official kindergarten registration. He will be able to go in and see his school and also be "tested" on several things. I guess what they do is rotate through some stations while teachers ask them some questions. While the kids are doing that the parents are in another room going over procedures. I think he is excited but one of his first questions when he found out we were going was if he would get to ride the bus there. I'm not sure what the attraction is with the bus because I remember hating riding the bus! He doesn't know yet to hate bus rides so I'll let him find out on his own that bus rides take forever and you have to stop at least 50 times! To him it just looks like a more exciting way to travel than getting in a car. I'm kind of interested to find out more information about his school day as I feel like I know very little about Marlington school district and that's where he will be attending. I'm not sure I feel like he is totally ready for kindergarten. Some of his letters still look a little more like Chinese characters than they do actual letters. Yesterday we were working on letters and making them sit on the line. Many of them were still floating. Maybe I'm just too picky or he's just extra stubborn for me because I'm him mom! Oh well....we'll see how things go today!

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