We have been talking for some time about getting a puppy for the kids. After lots of checking around on lots of different websites, checking papers, and family discussions we finally found what we wanted close to Dayton Ohio. Ryan was pretty set on getting a German Shorthaired pointer for several reasons. 1. They look cool. 2. They can be trained to track deer. 3. They are good with kids. 4. They won't get really large. We left the kids with Sylvia and set off to get the new puppy on July 4th. The puppies were 5 weeks old and smaller than I thought they would be.....but oh so cute! We picked our favorite from the females they had left. Seemed like this one wanted to go with us as all the others headed for the cage and this one hung by us. We were a little nervous for the drive as we had about 3.5 hours home and were warned that she may throw up or poop due to stress. We made it home without mishap and she travelled beautifully. The kids were so excited to play with her. It took her a little bit to warm up but after a half hour or so she was following them around. Hopefully we have many happy puppy days ahead! She has yet to be officially named. Sadie, Ruby, Little Ann, and Lucy are all in the running right now. Now the question....who should get to make the executive decision?