Monday, July 5, 2010

Picture Time!

I have been made aware and have been thinking anyway that I don't have a very recent picture of my three little darlings. On a recent trip through the grocery store a studio was doing a promotion and were setting up shop at Giant Eagle. Thinking this would be nice and close and it was cheap, I signed up. Oh for 20/20 hindsight! Our appointment was at 11:00 on a Friday morning. I had the kids up and ready, dressed cute, in kind of matching clothes. We were a few minutes late but never fear....they were completely disorganized and not ready for us anyway. There was only one person there to take the pictures, sign people in, and collect money on the way out. When I mentioned to him that he needed a helper, he claimed he could do it all on his own. Well, he could do it but not well or on time! On top of that he was one of the strangest people I have met in a long time. He was telling the kids to hit him then he would fall over as if to be dead on the floor. The kids would laugh but it was all a little too strange for me. I thought maybe we could get out of there with one decent picture and never return again but Chelsea had other plans. She had no intention of sitting on the platform and in every picture that he did try to take she was screaming and both arms were pointed straight for me. I couldn't blame her really though it wasn't the most comfortable place for me either. So after all of that we left with no pictures, and the option of going to a different Giant Eagle at another time to try again. I haven't called yet and I don't know if I'm dumb enough to try again. Maybe I could push my luck and hope to get a different photogragher??? We came home and since the kids were all picture ready I tried to snap a few with my camera. The older two cooperated but Chelsea was still traumatized I think. She refused. Here they are all dressed up cute pretending the love each other!

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