Monday, July 5, 2010

Lake Mohawk

One day last month we headed to Lake Mohawk by Steve and Holly's lakehouse to enjoy a day of splashing in the water relaxing in the sun. The kids love to play play in the sand, jump off the docks and go for rides on the tube. Audrey is probably the most adventurous as far as the water goes. She doesn't seem to care about the seaweed tickling her feet or the muck squishing between her toes. Casey is a little more reserved but still has fun splashing in the water. Chelsea doesn't have much fear but unfortunately she always wants mommy to get in the water with her. I'm not quite so fond of the seaweed and muck But once in a while I guess it's good to pretend you are a kid and not be so concerned with gross things like that! We have been to the Lakehouse 3 times this summer, the last time for fireworks over July 4th. That was a hot weekend with lots of kids as Charla was there too with her crew. Of course I forgot my camera so no cute 4th of July pictures. The ones posted are from the previous time to the Lakehouse sometime in the middle of June.

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