Saturday, July 25, 2009

Summer Days

It is summer but some days really don't feel like it. I kind of miss the hot days but I'm not really missing air conditioning. I hate going in and out of that. I think we need some more hot days for swimming and playing in the water. Yesterday the kids wanted to get the slip n' slide out and they had a blast. They invited the neighbors over and they played for a long time while I snapped beans, beans, and more beans! I'm done with the tedious part...the just for the pressure cooking and I'm done. I think I will have close to 45 quarts. It's a good feeling to get that done but I know that I should start canning something else right away. Pickles, hot mix, salsa, peaches, applesauce and corn are all yet to come! Earlier this week I made a run to Beilers and got 20 lbs. of blueberries to freeze. That particular day Casey ended up spending with Koby so I had some time with Audrey while Chelsea was sleeping. We had a very fun tea party in which Audrey was allowed to wash her dishes afterward. It ended up kind of sad as she broke one of her plates. Oh well...still 5 more left and she had an absolute blast. She loved the attention and the permission to play in the water while washing dishes.

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