Thursday, July 30, 2009

Summer fun with the Cousins

Sunday night we headed to McKinley park for a picnic with Paul and Rhoda, PJ and Amy, Syl and Junior, and Steve and Holly. A little later Mary and Joe showed up as well. We climbed many steps and ran numerous times around the monument. After we ate LOTS of great picnic food at the top of the monument we spent some time playing in the park. Monday was more fun with the cousins. Taelor and Braidon came over for lunch and since it was a nice hot day, we decided to get the slip n' slide out. That thing sure has been worth the five dollars I paid for it! It has proven to be much better than the pool where the water gets so gross and the kids have most of the water splashed or dumped out in the first 10 minutes. Tuesday was even more bonding with the cousins as we headed to Kim Tam for a swimming day. I had some reservations about going and taking Chelsea since she would probably need to sleep at some point. She did surprisingly well. The kids had so much fun playing with Grant, Carter and Dayne. Chelsea played for a while then took about a 45 minute power nap while tractors were literally driving a few feet from her head! The kids played and played, then took a lunch break and played some more. You would have thought with all that playing that they would have taken nice long naps that afternoon....Nope! No nap for Casey or Audrey. Chelsea did take a nice nap then once we got home. It was a really fun day and I'm so disappointed that I forgot to take my camera. I came in to get it at one point when we were loading up but then forgot what I came in for. The true sign of a mom gone crazy right? Today we are getting ready for more cousin fun as Brad, Steph, Caleb, Kadin, and Jake are planning on stopping here on their way to Cape Cod. The kids have been counting down the days. This is such a special treat since we don't see them that often.

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