Thursday, July 30, 2009

Into Everything!

Chelsea has decided that it is her job to make as much work as possible for her mom. She has gotten to that stage where it is so much fun to pull everything out of drawers, cupboards, and containers. Some things she has gotten into are worse than others. My other two little babysitters are pretty good at making sure she isn't into something she's not supposed to but she still finds times that no eyes are watching her and she makes the most of it. The other day she got into the trash and pulled out a styrofoam raw meat container. Before I got to her she was chewing on it. I know....GROSS! (along with very unsanitary!) I think she is cutting about 4 teeth right now which would explain her need to chew on any and every thing. I just wish they would come through already! She now stands by herself for a little bit until she realizes what she's doing then plops back down on her tushie. She walks behind some of her toys and just grins because she knows she is big stuff. The last little while she has discovered that her food is not the same as ours. If we happen to be eating she will not eat her bsby food but wants to have what is on our plates. It's pretty difficult to give her what we are eating sometimes considering that she only has one tooth. Right now I'm trying to figure out if cutting all these teeth could give her something that looks like pink eye. Her eyes have been red and itchy for the last week or so. I keep waiting for it to go away on it's own once these teeth pop through.

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