Monday, August 31, 2009

Casey's First Day of Preschool

I sent my little boy off to preschool this morning. Getting out the door with all 3 kids by 8:00 was quite a challenge and we will have to keep working on that one. I woke Casey up about 7:30 to eat breakfast and get ready. He was fine and ready to go by 8:00. The other 2 were a different story. I have decided that Audrey is not the kind of kid that can wake up quickly and just jump in the van. When I woke her up she proceeded to fall as dead weight onto the floor. After I finally convinced her to get her pull-up off, she insisted that she needed a bagel to eat in the van. I really didn't have time to make her one so I told her a banana would have to suffice. Oh....let the whining begin! Needless to say she needs some wake up time so I think for Wednesday I will plan to wake her up when Casey gets up. Chelsea happened to wake up before we left as well, and I don't think she was all that fond of the fact that I didn't feed her before we left either. I gave her some cut up bananas in a bowl to eat on the way. About halfway to school bananas were everywhere in her carseat and on the floor....o.k. so maybe that wasn't a great idea either! We got to school and of course couldn't find a parking place because everyone else was dropping off their kids. After making a trip around the school and then finding a parking place, Casey did eventually make it to his classroom about 5 minutes late. So a little tweeking to the morning events and hopefully we can make it on time on Wednesday with a little less fussing. He went right into his classroom and plopped down next to Taelor on the story carpet. I said goodbye and gave him a kiss as he was already engrossed in the story. After I left I took a deep breath and could have shed a few tears but I didn't. The time he was there went quickly. When I picked him up he told me all the things he got to with Lego, play with the trucks, play on the playground, read some books, and get his whole body traced. Sounded like he had a good day and he said he's ready to go back. So although it was kind of a rocky start at home, I think it ended up being a good morning.

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