Monday, August 10, 2009

Fishing on Lake Erie

I thought I had to post something about our trip to Lake Erie since it was a first for me. On Friday, very bright and early, Ryan, Steve, Jr., and I toook off for Lake Erie to do some perch fishing. We were meeting my mom and dad somewhere close to Toledo at 7. Ryan was very excited and had a hard time sleeping the night before. I had a hard time too but not that I was that overly excited...just a little nervous about leaving Chelsea. We got there in plenty of time and by shortly after 7 we were headed out on the lake. As we were going out the 12 miles to the place where we would fish the waves were 2-4 feet a little larger than the boating forcast was calling for. I thought it was kind of a really long ride at Cedar Point. By the time we got there some of the others weren't thinking it was a very fun ride. But it got worse. Once we anchored, and were rocked back and forth by the waves, mom, dad, and Jr. knew they were in for a rough couple hours. It just was really unfortunate that they all got so sick because it was a beautiful day. After several hours of leaning over the side of the boat, the waves started to subside a little but by then the damage was done. They were already sick. We fished until we got our limit which for the number of people on the boat was 175 perch and we headed in a little before 1. Maybe next time we should all take Dramamine that didn't expire in 1993!

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