Monday, August 24, 2009

Chelsea's First Ponytail

Last week I noticed that Chelsea's hair seemed to be getting too long and kind of starting to get in her eyes. Barettes just seemed to fall right out of her fine hair. So along comes the first ponytail...the fountain. Here is a picture of it nicely in....and then after comes out! Talk about some crazy hair! Chelsea also had her first goose egg this past week. Her newest trick is standing up on the little chairs we have. She had a little rocking chair she was standing on and it happened to be a little too close to the fireplace. It fell sideways and she knocked her head on the fireplace, pinched her finger in between the chair and the bricks, and bit her tongue. Needless to say she was not happy. Did she learn her lesson?! In less than 20 minutes she was back up on the chairs!

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